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Book of the Month
March Pick
*Trigger warning: Please be advised that The Hare contains subjects surrounding childhood abuse, marital rape and transphobia. If you struggle with or are triggered by reading about events that involve these abuses, please take care of yourself and refrain from reading this novel.
The Hare, written by Melanie Finn, is a hard but human story, beautifully written, and wrapped in the pace and structure of a great thriller.
As I am a woman, I know no other way of walking through the world - you don’t know what you don’t know, and you only know what you know.
Therefore, I must admit that I am sometimes numb to the dangers of being female in this world. The Hare is a daring and unrelenting feminist thriller. It stirred in me a deeper awareness of…
Apartment 3C x Strange Gent: Library
Study Hall never smelled this good.
*Please note you will be directed to the Strange Gents website to complete your purchase
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