We want to make meaningful work that we are proud of with the people we love.

In 2016 I was spending a lot of time in rainy forests wondering what the next chapter of my life was going to look like.
Films had always been the friends with whom I could travel. No matter where I journeyed for the next acting job, I could bring my DVDs and eventually, my travel APPLE TV.
Time after time, after a long day on set I returned to a hotel room and found myself missing my family and friends from thousands of miles away. I turned to films like THE GRADUATE, BEING THERE, HAROLD AND MAUDE, BREATHLESS, and FIELD OF DREAMS, and in them found the comfort of well known friends who could always be by my side and light up my imagination.
So—what would my next chapter look like? Why not like creating new films and television of which I could be proud? And why not do this with the people I love—with family, blood and found, as well as the inspiring creatives whom I had spent 30 years getting to know in this wild and crazy industry?
And thus, Apartment 3c was born. I lived in A3C with my three best friends in college in Lakeshore Hall at Loyola University Chicago.
In that apartment, the four of us found friendship, but we also found ourselves; our sense of who we were and what we wanted from life after leaving our parents' homes. It was a vibrant time of self discovery and challenges—a million nights of sitting up late wondering what it’s all about and how we were going to navigate life.
With Apartment 3c I hope to bring that spirit to the films and television that we make. We all feel like underdogs at different moments in life. We are all searching for that magical mixture of challenge and joy. When you see our logo on a project, you will know that we have poured love, thought, and a whole lot of creative community into every frame.
We promise to love our projects as we love our dearest friends and I hope with all sincerity they become the type of friends with whom you want to travel.
Films we wish we made
TV Shows we wish we made
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