Book of the Month

March Pick


Book: The Hare

Written By: Melanie Finn

Publisher: Two Dollar Radio

*Trigger warning: Please be advised that The Hare contains subjects surrounding childhood abuse, marital rape and transphobia. If you struggle with or are triggered by reading about events that involve these abuses, please take care of yourself and refrain from reading this novel.

Jen’s Review

The Hare, written by Melanie Finn, is a hard but human story, beautifully written, and wrapped in the pace and structure of a great thriller.

As I am a woman, I know no other way of walking through the world - you don’t know what you don’t know, and you only know what you know. 

Therefore, I must admit that I am sometimes numb to the dangers of being female in this world. The Hare is a daring and unrelenting feminist thriller. It stirred in me a deeper awareness of the systems that surround us that not only fail to protect women, but can, at their worst, target and attempt to destroy them. 

Rose is haunted by the very relatable ailment of unrelenting loneliness. Loneliness accompanied by a lack of self worth leaves any person vulnerable to the predators that can smell crippling insecurity. 

Rose, abused as a young woman, enters adulthood with no tools to truly protect herself. She ignores her own instincts and follows societal expectations, submitting to a man in her life. She finds herself married to a con artist and a compulsive liar. 

She finds friendship with another outcast woman who teaches her to live off the land and survive by her own hands and ingenuity. She fights for her daily life, and she fights to protect her child. She finds a wildness and a will to survive deep inside her that is inspiring.

The twists and turns of the novel keep you on the roller coaster of a thriller, but ultimately this is a character study of a deeply complicated woman who inches her way toward setting herself free. 

I must warn up front that there are some trigger warnings that accompany this novel. The novel deals with childhood abuse, marital rape, and transphobia in the chapter that begins on page 259. If you struggle with or are triggered by reading about events that involve these abuses, please steer clear of this novel. 

Now, I realize that these trigger warnings suggest a very dark novel. There is a darkness to this thriller, but there is also a tremendous amount of hope and exploration of the resilience of the human spirit.

I was moved and changed by Rose’s journey to self acceptance and empowerment. I found myself reconsidering some of the unconscious biases that get baked into all of us about femaleness and standards of living. But mostly, I fell in love with Rosie and I rooted for her, believed in her, and hoped desperately that she would find her way to a peaceful and fulfilling life. 

By Jennifer Morrison / March 2023

About The Author

Melanie Finn

Photo: Libby March

Melanie Finn, author of Away From You (2004), The Gloaming (2016), The Underneath (2018), and The Hare (2021), was born and raised in Kenya and the US. The Gloaming was a New York Times Notable Book of 2016, a finalist for the Vermont Book Award and The Guardian’s “Not the Booker” Prize. The writer and producer of the DisneyNature wildlife epic Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos, she is also the co-founder and director of the Tanzanian-based charity Natron Healthcare. She and her family live on a remote hill in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.

Bio from: Two Dollar Radio

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